What are they eating a lot of in each state, and only there? This map has the answers.
Foursquare and Mapbox put together this map of the foods you’re most likely to find in each state, over and above the nation as a whole — and just how much more likely you are to find it there. It includes both foods you’ll definitely want to seek out (You’re almost 4,000% more likely to find breakfast tacos in Texas than in the nation as a whole!) and those to avoid at all costs (Bottle service, Nevada? Seriously?).
Of course, the map was made out of data from Foursquare check-ins and the foods mentioned there, which gives it a pretty heavy skew. The best way to use this map seems to me to be less as a way to get any sense of how people are actually eating in individual states, and more as a way to find what local specialities you might want to try to on a trip there.
If you’re driving through Montana, you may want to sub in a slice of huckleberry pie over a more typical apple. Visiting the Twin Cities? Perfect time to get a Jucy Lucy. Passing though Indianapolis? Grab a bowl of lemon rice soup (and then come back and tell me just what, exactly, it is). Planning a stop up to New York City? Well, make your own avocado toast beforeyou get there and save yourself $8. It’s mashed up avocado on heated-up bread; let’s not overthink it, people.
Add in some recommendations for your own for your state in the comments!