Sunday, February 12, 2017

U.S. diplomacy as NFL football ...

John Brown (facebook comment, slightly edited)
U.S. diplomacy as NFL football [see] ...

--From Remarks, Rex W. Tillerson, Secretary of State:

"The New England Patriots [see] have signs posted all over their team facilities that simply say, 'Do your job.' It is a brief message, but one with profound importance.  ...It’s worked pretty well for the Patriots over the years, as I must admit. (Laughter.) " [JB comment -- so long as you don't deflate the football [see] ... :)] 

Well, good morning, all. We apologize for being late. It seemed that this year’s prayer breakfast, people felt the need to pray a little longer. (Laughter.) But I certainly welcomed them all, so – thank you for such a warm reception. And it’s a pleasure to be here, obviously. I’ve been anxious to be...

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