Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Washington Post articles increasingly subscription-bound

For all you internet Robin Hoods out there -- we all know that one way to avoid paying "subscription" fees to gain access to mainstream media articles is simply to copy their titles and paste them on the URL browser of "Google" news, and the full articles are (miraculously? accidentally?) provided free of charge. This works, from my experience, about 80% of the time.

Or so it did, until the Washington Pest has (evidently) tightened up access. Now, even via Google news, you can't "open" most Pest articles.

On the other hand, I can still access to some (but not all) pieces from the NYT and WSJ -- as well as lesser used MSM such as Christian Science Monitor -- via Google News.

Meanwhile, access to the Washington Times (in my view an underrated newspaper) and USA Today (also underrated) remains totally unimpeded, in that you can read their entire articles via their own websites rather than through Google News.

I think the Washington Pest is digging its own grave. Frankly, if I don't have to read another Richard Cohen puff presentation (always, above all, about Richard himself), it's no great loss. Ditto for the idiotic Jennifer Rubin, who's incapable of writing a declarative sentence.

And the WP editorials are a model of pretentious proclamations that I certainly don't miss.

RIP WP. Good luck Jeff Bozos.

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