Sunday, October 1, 2017

Hef meets the devil -- and she doesn't wear a bra!

A Facebook comment, slightly amended, on the recently deceased Hugh Hefner; see also.

image from

John Brown [:] But wasn't Hef -- who worked so, so hard to make males "enjoy" fantasy sex -- at heart a non-stop working ... puritan who worshiped incessant labor (on his "indecent"/incessant soft-porno mag/industry) as a way to avoid facing the void (i.e., eternal damnation)? 

He, a modern-day "sexy" Calvin, was a mini-me Las Vegas, "individualized" to suit consumer "forbidden" tastes (what every American -- today, in our putatively "sexual-hangups-liberated" age, no matter what "sex," -- aspires to?) including, of course, de rigueur, a defrosted hamburger.

To cite Baudelaire, Hef -- again, a true puritan -- incessantly flagellated himself by being (of course, not his words; they're Baudelaire's) "Sous le fouet du Plaisir, ce bourreau sans merci." 

May he in rest in peace, and may he hold a pipe-penis in his mouth to wherever he goes next after his brief stay on Mother earth; let us hope, for his sake, it's not to the second circle of hell, as he was such a hard-workin' boy trying to make big bucks in America, showing off (thereby hoping God will spare him of eternal damnation because of the rewards for his "hard work") by living in a mansion. 

To be compassionate: Is not the only minor "punishment" He-f deserves is peddling "dirty" images? 

So, ok, may the all-mighty (doubtless a hef-woman) find a non-stop video porn place in a "soft" corner for Hef somewhere in the Purgatory, where he will be condemned, non-stop, to looking at the silly, pseudo-artistic images peddled by his vulgar, pretentious magazine.

Hefner image from

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