Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Common Stereotypes For Each State In The US [slide show]: Not Serious Note for a lecture, "E Pluribus Unum? What Keeps the United States United'


Posted June 14, 2015
by Chris Gamble

Stereotypes can sometimes be offensive. Mostly they are just annoying for the people being stereotyped. One thing is certain, we are all stereotyped whether we like it or not. We are stereotyped by race, religion, sexual orientation and everything in between. Perhaps most of all, we are stereotyped based on which state we live in. When you mention you are from a certain state to someone who doesn’t live there they might automatically assume something about you based on stereotypes that are often enforced by mass media. Here are common stereotypes for each state.

sample image, with heading: Georgia: Old fashioned peach farmers

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