Saturday, March 28, 2015

The end of cyber-utopianism?

It's quite amazing that our once-famous all-American State Department-employed (briefly) cyber-utopians, among them -- Alec Ross and Jared Cohen (remember them, pictured below) -- are now oh-so-silent re the kumbaya universal understanding wonder promised by their so-"democratic" social media space -- now used by "terrorists" the world over to spread their murderous messages.

image from

These were, were, totally were the pretentious guys -- Ross and Cohen, to name a few -- who once proclaimed, at least according to the media they flirted with, that a global paradise (once known somewhat before their time as the "end of history") would ensue in part because of the existence of "new means of communications."

As if even a semi-literate American college freshman, with an elementary sense of history, did not realize that historically "new" means of communication -- speech, writing, telegraph, movies, radio, video, email, video, twitter; you name your favorite medium -- would not necessarily prevent us frail, imperfect (indeed, at times vicious) human beings from killing one another for morally absurd reasons  ...

image from

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