Saturday, December 16, 2017

A thought on the Putin/Trump political "base"

image from

This Trump-Putin political base -- forget their nationalities/irrationalities -- exists on (understandable?) resentment.

It's the anger of often laudable, ordinary people (the hoi polloi?).

But of course no human being is "ordinary."

And who doesn't feel that s/he has been ripped off by "those up/down there."

Among such hard-working citizens are those who want a "strong" leader to "set things straight."

So the "dumb/so-called "deplorables," hoping for "justice" (and if not surviving in current conditions in their "homeland"), turn to the likes of Putin & Trump.

Question: But aren't Putin/Trump (an oligarch-ass-kissing "KGB agent" in the Russian Federation; a real estate "dealer" in the U.S., grabbing "investors") the global "system's" no. 1 servants/sleazeballs, and making a bundle out of it?

Granted, I can't define "global system" (after all, what's "global?"); it smacks of paranoia on my part.

Pardon the outburst/generalization. My question stands to be fully rephrased. Comments/criticisms welcome.

And maybe am being unfair to Boba and The Donald ...

But allow me to quote: “Strange how paranoia can link up with reality now and then.” ― Philip K. Dick, A Scanner Darkly

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