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3rd lecture of Public Diplomacy Certificate Program organised within the scope of Lifelong Learning Programs of Near East Institute (NEI) attracted a great interest of the attending body as the previous courses did.
According to the press info released by the Directorate of Press and Public Relations Office of NEU (Near East University Nicosia Cyprus), Presidency of Republic Assembly, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Public Works and Transportation, Cyprus Turkish Peace Forces Command, Cyprus Turkish Security Forces Command, Presidency of Civil Defence Organisation, General Directorate of Police, personnel of varies institutions and organisations and TRNC university students participated in the course themed on ‘the Impacts of Public Diplomacy on Local Policy and Power-Puplic Diplomacy and Perception Management Equation’ lectured by the Chairman of the Department of International Relations of the METU., the General Coordinator of NEI and the executor of the course, Assist. Prof. Dr Murat Tüzünkan made the opening speech.

The participants truly enjoyed the course because the lecturer, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı enriched the course by interactive presentation and anecdotes.
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı delivered information on the concept of public diplomacy, its history by associating concept with current local and international issues. He provided precious information to assist the participants to understand perception management easily. Throughout his lecture, he continuously kept in contact with the participants; he established interactions with them through interesting talks and jokes.

Near East Institute will host again a very respectable scientist in the 4th week of the Public Diplomacy Certificate Program regularly held on each Saturday.
The next session of the certificate program will be held at the Green Hall of the Faculty of Engineering of NEU. Prof. Dr. Hasan Koni, Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Kültür University, will give 2 lectures on ‘Socio- Psychological aspects of Public Diplomacy’ and ‘What is Soft and Intelligent Power? How is it applied?
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