Monday, November 11, 2013

Wine for China from Israel?


Monday, November 11, 2013

Wine for China

News item:

China’s love of wine is growing at such a rate that it is expected to become the world’s largest consumer of wine by 2016...The country’s love of wine is not new, but what is is its emergence as a wine superpower...China’s increasingly wealthy classes and its growing demand for western luxury items have the power to significantly influence an industry, impacting supply and in turn prices for the rest of us.

Another news item:

Economy Minister Naftali Bennett (Bayit Yehudi), who is on a visit to China to promote trade relations, had some tips for Israelis who wish to do business with the Chinese.

In a video message he recorded from Shanghai on Wednesday, Bennett not only said his visit has been very successful, but also noted that the Chinese are not interested in the Israeli-Arab conflict or other goings on in the Middle East. All the Chinese are interested in, he said, is Israeli innovation and how they can make use of it.

And now let's link those two:

With the ongoing boycotts around the world of products made in Judea and Samaria (Yehuda and Shomron), the Shomron Regional Council’s public diplomacy delegation scored a victory this recently when it launched an alliance between Shomron winemakers and the Italian Winemakers Association.

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