Thursday, December 20, 2018

American identities within (vs.?) Amerikan IDENTITY

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Kind readers of this blog: Am working on a long-delayed article on the theme, "i [lower case intentional] dentities Within 'Identity'," suggesting that the "official" USG census/mass media racial/sexual "Identity Categories" that strive to "define" the USA population according to abstract, statistics-obsessed preconceived notions of what our American humanity is (as if we human beings, in one nation among many, could categorically define what "We Americans" humanity's is); indeed, is not the essence of our humanity as human beings, not only in the USA, but elsewhere on our small speck in the universe -- What we cannot "define" in simple terms like Race/Politics/Sex/Self (and aren't such official Kategories subject -- thank God -- to infinite "categories"?). 

Just askin' ... :)

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