[Sic-k] Headline -- "Rewrite the rules on miltary sex," by Laura Cannon -- in the online version of the Washington Post (Nov 25, 1:17 PM) -- or, missing an "i" (-ll-teracy) in the age of the social/corporate media to suit the needs of our hard-working, male-menopause generals (does the missing "i" have castration implications?), who turned out not to be Boy Scouts after all.

Putin image from; boy scout (by Norman Rockwell) image from
And listen to the lady author of the above article, with the above "typo" (as noted ) in its headline:
"I had no idea that a combat zone would be such a sexually charged environment. Blame it on amped-up testosterone pouring out of aggressive, athletic men. Or blame it on combat stripping even the strongest of men and women down to their core, raw emotions. Combine that with forming special bonds with comrades who promise to do whatever it takes to ensure your safe return home, including sacrificing their life for yours. What do you think happens?
Let me tell you, covert combat sex (or in my case, hard-core making out, because I was too scared to go 'All-In')
ranks high on the list of life’s thrills."
Image from
JB comment: Why does Ms. Broadwell look like a man in drag? Or like a "broad" who wishes to look "well," by looking like a man?
One more JB comment, re the above article:
General Cannon -- I realize that you have a comedy show, and that your above piece may be tongue-in-cheek -- why don't you try the below with your "aggressive, athletic men"? It's even kinkier than "combat"! And what a real comedy show that would make! No missing "i" there!
Image from
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