Monday, May 16, 2011

Osama Bin Laden, All-American Porno-Loving Male?

Given the prevalence of pornography in American society -- and I will not pass moral judgement on this phenomenon -- I wonder if, by "leaking," in part doubtless for public diplomacy reasons, that the mastermind behind 9/11 viewed porno tapes in the comfort of his suburban Pak McMansion, the US government is, perhaps inadvertently, depicting this odious character as an "all American" porno-addicted male?

Dare I say, in addition, that OBL's fascination with violence is also not without a certain similarity to a traditional US trend that to many defines the American "homeland"; indeed 9/11 was, so tragically, a Hollywood disaster movie brought from the reel to the real.

Also, and I hate to present such a nightmarish vision, but I can think of no one who would have "enjoyed" more sending Predators to their intended targets more than OBL (as we know, he loved the the power of new technology like the internet, thanks -- I would say -- to his religious fundamentalism), wishing perhaps he could do so with the cold, inhuman efficiency of the staff of a secret US military base near Las Vegas, the US world entertainment capital.

Oh, and let's not forget a National Inquirer issue I saw in my local supermarket the other day, waiting at the check-out counter to pay for my discount chicken legs, with an article saying that Osama used heroin. How much more all-American can you get than by using drugs? We have been happily drugged since the very first days of the Republic; George Washington (our very own first president, with bad teeth, as I suspect Osama had, although his "sheik" Saudi friends  may have taken care of his mollars), as is well known, was "was the largest distiller of his time, producing almost 11,000 gallons of rye whiskey in 1799."

Also, OBL had, according to NI, a "nagging wife." Now, let's be honest, we men between us girls: Isn't a "nagging wife" part of the American macho folklore, full of self-importance about one out of many organs of the human body, which helps American men justify their so-called sexual frustrations. "Male concerns" about their "nagging wife" (i.e., a lady who finds her husband not such a macho man anymore, if ever at all) has led to an a very profitable Viagra industry to recreate that "special moment." Rumors ("news") about OLB using Viagra abound.

While we are on the subject of matrimony, let's turn to OLB and with his many wives, a fact repeated ad nauseam by the US news media. But lo and behold! OBL and his multi-partners bring to mind that uniquely American sectarian phenomenon (as often observed by foreign commentators of religious life in the U.S.), Mormonism (see Thomas Albert Howard, God and the Atlantic: America, Europe, and the Religious Divide [2011]), a phenomenon now accentuated by a leading Republican Mormon running for the presidency, who, granted, "condemns polygamy and its prior practice by his Mormon church [although] the Republican presidential candidate's great-grandfather had five wives and at least one of his great-great grandfathers had 12."

Maybe Romney is a closet Obama Muslim?  Just kidding. Let FOX News deal with that one in its fair unbiased way.

And how about Arnold? I'll let you judge about that one.

As an aside, one reads in the Wall Street Journal that the British do not approve of the colonials "taking out" the Sheik. But here are the bons mots (if such they can be called, with some justification) that a UK citizen of the British Conservative persuasion sent by email to an Anglophile correspondent of mine, which he kindly shared:

Ever had a whisky bin laden? Two shots drowned in water.

Belongs on the Jay Leno show. No wonder the special relationship continues to endure.
Image from

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