Sunday, May 31, 2009

The latest on Alhurra -- Email from Letitia King, BBG

"The latest on Alhurra‏

From:Letitia King (
Sent:Sat 5/30/09 1:38 AM
Hi John, Don't know if you have picked up the latest installation from ProPublica [article at] but once again the facts of its success reaching people in the Middle East are overlooked. The reporter continues to dismiss our research. Here is what we sent her if it is a subject you find yourself writing about.

Regards, Tish

On Zogby Poll: As BBG has explained previously, the Zogby/Telhami poll does not measureaudience reach; it measures audience preference. Zogby/Telhami data say nothing about how many people watch Alhurra. To get the audience figure, it is necessary to ask a question different from the one Zogby/Telhami asks.

Zogby/Telhami asks: 'When you watch international news, which of the following network's news broadcasts do you watch most often?'

BBG/ACNielsen asks: 'Apart from today, when was the last time you watched (Alhurra, Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, et al)?' Response categories are: last 7 days, last 4 weeks, and last 12 months (with a refusal option as well).

Both are valid questions. They just have different purposes and yield different conclusions.

Note that the BBG survey methodology is the same one used by all our international broadcasting counterparts including BBC, RFI and DW.

Alhurra now reaches 26.7 million people weekly across the Middle East, up almost one million in the last year. This includes 5.5 million in Egypt (11% weekly), 8.4 million in Iraq (64% weekly), 2.6 million in Morocco (27% weekly), 1.4 million in Saudi Arabia (14% weekly), and 5.1million in Syria (55%). These are solid numbers by any measure for aforeign broadcaster. Indeed, Alhurra is the number one foreign (i.e.,non-Arab) channel in the Middle East (including BBC Arabic).

When Radio Sawa's numbers are added and duplicate listeners/viewers subtracted, the stations together reach nearly 34 million Arabs weekly-- this, despite intense media competition and still-high anti-Americanism across the region.

Letitia King
Office of Public Affairs
BBG [Broadcasting Board of Governors]"

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