... Or, the Revenge of the Groovy Generation?; see also, on peacenik (no, not picnic)
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1. He got out of the Vietnam-era draft, claiming issues with his feet.
2. He went to prestigious for-the-rich, nearly-all-white upper-middle-class colleges, like so many "rebels" on prestigious USA campuses; he's never "worked" in his life (i.e., had a "serious" 9-to-5 job).
3. He "married" non-AmeriKan foreigners -- his two favorite ladies from Central Europe -- let's all groove together, baby, no matter your national origin; and I luv yr sexy accent/legs; forget about visas; he hires illegal immigrants.
4. He went into 60's-like "sexual liberation," publicized by the gossip-media-knows about his relationships with the fair sex.
5. He shows little interest in "classic literature" or complicated/subtle thought, like many baby boomers today preferring the social media to oh-so-boring in-depth "communication."
6. He worried (evidently still worries) about how long his precious dye-ing (?) hair should be (a 60s male obsession?) [Note the long male head hair in the above '60 "resist" pix]

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7. He takes drugs -- well, ok, it's only "Diet Coke."

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8. He's against American intervention in Iraq/Afghanistan ("Hey, Hey, LBJ, How many kids did you kill today?").
9. He's skeptical of the American "intelligence community." (Not to speak of the FBI), much like the late 60s cynical media/anti-establishment reaction to "from official government sources."
10. He's also skeptical of the Pentagon and its generals/genitals and their "plans" for maintaining/restoring American "influence"/leadership abroad.
11. He prefers that his youngest son play SOCCER (what kind of "furener" sport is that!) than all-American FOOTBALL ...
12. Isn't he, in his bad me-me-me-why-don't-you-love-ME-first moods, when he tweets away at all hours of the day, basically an anarchistic, screw-you, up-your-ass type of guy (just "read" (smell) his farts [tweets] )? Not hard to imagine him on a bus with "Ken Kesey's LSD-fuelled bus trip [that] created the psychedelic 60's" (as long as his daddy paid for the ride).
13. His elder daughter, a feminist of sorts, married (evidently with his consent) a non-WASP, non-German of origin (whose father was "the son of immigrants from the USSR").
14. He likes Russians.
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15. True Republicans can't stand him, even if he, as a useful idiot, lowered taxes for the rich.
16. He thinks public diplomacy is pubic diplomacy. (Am I just kiddin'?)
16. He thinks public diplomacy is pubic diplomacy. (Am I just kiddin'?)

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"Last fall, Trump cooed that the North Korean dictator wrote him “beautiful letters” and “we fell in love,” but then the president canceled their lunch date following their disappointing rendezvous in Hanoi." -- Maureen Dowd, The New York Times (March 2, 2029)
17. Breaking News (2/26)! Like sixties icon "Hanoi Jane" Fonda, he's going to Hanoi in search of let's groove-together peace in Asia; FYI: see also "Dennis Rodman gets emotional discussing Trump and Kim."
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