Tuesday, November 13, 2012

If you have nothing to so, you send messages to kill and flirt

My view as a not-yet-over-the-hill civilian (or should I say elderly "concerned citizen") opposed -- like so many ordinary Americans -- to stupid, budget-bleeding military adventures abroad, is that the ill-conceived military campaigns against ME /Central Asia "furreners," with no clear purpose, left the generals (Petraeus, Allen), wondering if not despairing (give them, civilian-powers-ass-licking military higher-up guys, some credit) in private about what their actual "mission" was, except to kill/pacify "insurgents" and so inform the White House and Congress about "success." Or so I suspect.

So they, the generals, unsure of what their job consisted and thus, overtly/publicly "busy" while basically underemployed, passed the time away/"relaxed" by sending flirtatious emails to rapacious persons, incidentally of the opposite sex (persons who, unlike the powers-that-be the generals report to, actually knew what they wanted).

More, on the absurdity of it all, at.

Not a feel-good story, but one which, arguably, has been repeated throughout history.

Gladiator image from; Cleopadra image from

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