Thursday, November 17, 2011
Putin/Medvedev - Hoover/Tolson: Viva Male Bonding?
As a Russophile -- not to speak of being an Americanophile as well -- I cannot help but wonder about parallels between the Putin/Medvedev political ménage à deux
and the Hoover/Tolson relationship, both intimate rapports that evidently (if one trusts the press) go beyond the public sphere. The boss for decades of the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"), Edgar J. Hoover (deceased) studied law at George Washington University. He was the A+ G-man, just as Putin (still living) was KGB "at its best" in the good old days of a Soviet "empire."
Law-educated Clyde Tolson was Hoover's no. 2 man for innumerable years. Medvedev, also trained in law, is Putin's numero duo; Putin studied law in then-Leningrad. It should also be noted that
Putin, like
Hoover, has acquired the sympathy of the popolo minuto for being a macho man who's "tough on crime."
Of course, nothing wrong with male bonding, in Russia or the United States, so long as it does not interfere with our civil rights, both in the USA and the Russian Federation.
Top image from; middle images from and from; below image from
P.S. Please note "WikiLeaks cables: Dmitry Medvedev 'plays Robin to Putin's Batman'"
Image from article
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