Sunday, October 7, 2018
Don't we all love Facebook? (updated, 10/14, 12/13 2018)

Image (not part of below exchange with Facebook) from
Updated 10/14/2018; text unchanged, but format revised for clarity and slightly edited (and Trump image added) 12/13/2018
From a Facebook "friend" (I assume it's a computer):
Enter Security Code
The number you entered doesn’t match your code. Please try again.
Please check your email for a message with your code. Your code is 6 numbers long.
Enter code
We sent your code to: [JB - my former email address, which I repeatedly told Facebook is not my current one:]
Didn't get a code?
[JB: yes, I did, but the code doesn't let me log into my account on
Facebook ...]
Someone reported you for impersonation
Wed, Oct 3, 8:52 AM
to johnh.30
Hi John,
It looks the account with name John Brown has been disabled
for pretending to be someone else, which goes against our
Community Standards. To learn more about our Community Standards, please follow the link below:
If you think we made a mistake, please reply to this message
with an ID or other documents that contain your photo, name
and date of birth. You can learn more about the types of IDs
and documents we can use to confirm your identity in the
Help Center:
If you're having general issues logging in to your account,
please visit the Help Center for troubleshooting tips and
additional ways to get help:
The Facebook Team
John Brown
Sun, Oct 7, 6:30 PM
to case++aazq5nfn5d56ry
Why am I not getting a Facebook reply from whomever you may be? I have sent two emails to you with images of two of my IDs. Maybe "you," not I, are an impersonator ... Best, Dr. John H. Brown, former Senior Foreign Service diplomat and practitioner of "public diplomacy" who served our country for over 20 years, mostly in "hardship posts" ...
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