Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Trump as a "Useful Idiot" (slightly modified Fb entry)

John Brown shared a post.
31 mins

Paul Goble
In Backing Trump, Putin from the Outset May have Planned to Betray Him, Pastukhov Says windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/…/in-backing-trump-putin-from…
John Brown Important point from the brilliant first-class thinker Goble -- a point often stressed by him, "I don't love the Russian gosudarstvo [state]," if I may simplify his thinking - which leads me to the following speculation... 
Trump is a "useful idiot" (UI) for not only for hard-to-define "groups"/individuals in the USA (if such groups/individuals do in fact exist as "units"; conspiracy theory has, I'd say, little to do with "history." 
(I dare not say with "the march of history," with in all its complexities); but Trump as a useful idiot for "em russkies" does have -- some would say -- a certain emotional appeal for some in American political circles (whatever such "circles," "left" or "right" may be). 
So: here's a conspiracy theory: Putin & Co, in their silly, ignorant of the impact modern "digital/troll ways (and aren't all wise, aged pundits, world-wide on such communications "ignorant" of such an impact?) "picked" Trump -- because it was in Russia's interest (and for Putin's gang perceived it) to have a totally incompetent USA so-called"deal-maker" (who never managed to even have his-named-after-him hotel built in the Third Rome) as president Russia's "adversary" (in a post-Cold-War world where both both countries are losing influence).

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