Thursday, December 7, 2017

Love and Power

From a modified Facebook entry

image from
First we had, brutally and simply, "power."

Then we got -- a not-so-clear contrast to "hard power" -- "soft power." It was followed by "smart power."

And now we have -- sharpen your pencils, alpha fe/males -- "sharp power."

Perhaps one sunny day we'll magically rediscover what has existed all along: love, or "what is this thing called love." 

Doesn't love go far beyond "the ability to alter the behavior of others to get what you [JB emphasis] want" -- the definition of power by Harvard Professor, ex-Department of Defense functionary Joseph Nye Jr.?

My main question: Isn't love (if it can be defined) about sharing ourselves, rather than getting what you (me, me first) want?

Simplification/paradox: The love of power is not the power of love.

Democracy Digest is the official publication of the National Endowment for Democracy, and offers news and analysis of worldwide democratic assistance.

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