Tuesday, September 26, 2017

"The only articulate creatures in America today are barking dogs."

image from

Such is the utterance, by a person of a certain age, speaking, sotto voce, next to another person of a certain age in a Washington, D.C. metro.

Which got me thinkin':

The spoken language in America has degraded to the point that few members of any generation in The Land of the Free can complete a sentence without muttering the verbal tic "like."


Maybe it's because we Americans, living in an era/area/error/terror increasingly "controlled" by "precise" communications -- via computers, etc. -- psychologically need a vocal-chord breathing space where we can be "spontaneous" and "imprecise."

Like, you know what I mean?

Is it not ironic, however, that in our effort to find our "free language space," we New Worlders use a meaningless term (yes, "like") repeated ad nauseam by our very own "societal controllers" such as Facebook (that seeks your "opinion" with your expressing "like") and financial "expert" analysts on tee-vee (who provide "advice" by expressing their "like" of this-that stock)?

Like, like, like ...

What would Ike has said about all this? :)

image from

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