Friday, August 25, 2017

Trump signs bill authorizing war on terror memorial

David Caplan, ABC News [JB note: Am surprised by how little attention the below has received from the media, given the recent, continuing controversy re preserving Confederate monuments ... one can assume that the timing of the signing of the bill was not coincidental with the President's reference to the "beautiful" monuments dedicated to the Confederate soldiers who fought in the Civil War].

President Donald Trump on Friday signed the Global War on Terrorism War Memorial Act [see also], a move he documented by posting to his social media accounts a photo of the signing at Camp David while flanked by thirteen cabinet members and other staff.

The legislation clears the way for construction of a memorial to U.S. service members who have fought in the war on terror.

JB: It should be noted that the "War on Terror" was abandoned as a term by the Obama administration, and replaced by the designation "Countering Violent Extremism." See Marc Ambinder, "The New Term for the War on Terror," The Atlantic (May 20, 2010).
See also John Brown, "'Our Indian Wars Are Not Over Yet': Ten Ways to Interpret the War on Terror as a Frontier Conflict," Tomdispatch (January 19, 2006).

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