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Blog Archive
- The Representation of American Visual Art in the U...
- Message from a pro-Trump American -- of course "fake"
- The spelling of neighbor - Note for a discussion, ...
- Moscow-based author/professor Mark Teeter on Kotki...
- The Age of Post-Truth Politics
- The Gospel of Positivity - Note for a discussion, ...
- The Birth of Pax Americana
- Our country is bitterly divided. How ’bout a littl...
- Opening the Door on New York's Private Clubs - Not...
- The first words of the Constitution of the United ...
- The Text of the Pledge of Allegiance - Note for a ...
- Pledge of Allegiance - Note for a discussion, "E P...
- Moscow-based writer Mark Teeter on: Can you spot t...
- Chaos Strikes More Than a Dozen Malls, Disrupting ...
- At Least 27 Shot, 7 Fatally, in Chicago Over Chris...
- Facebook is a growing and unstoppable digital grav...
- Luv 'em bellies... :)
- Home Alone in Poland: An Unexpected National Tradi...
- From Washington to Moscow, Louis Sell: A Book Revi...
- Андрей Битов: "У Запада нам учиться не нужно. В СШ...
- Happy Holidays from the Video Asshats at Your Stat...
- How to defend America the Indivisible - Note for a...
- What Keeps the Russian Federation United?
- Books for the Trump Era - Note for a discussion, "...
- Inside America’s Shocking WWII Propaganda Machine
- Journalism at its best: Osnos on Trump (written in...
- Canadians invite liberal US states to break away f...
- Dear Diary, J’Accuse!
- The Electoral College Is Meeting on Monday. Here’s...
- Kneeling and Football in America ...
- What Donald Trump Doesn’t Know About Black People ...
- ‘Buryats are Accused of Separatism but the Main Se...
- California's Separatist Movement Gets an ‘Embassy’...
- Trump is stoking his base on his pre-inaugural tou...
- The electoral college has always been the wrong wa...
- Research Note for an article on buzzword "narrativ...
- ‘California will launch its own damn satellite’ - ...
- Population of Washington DC: 601,723; population o...
- Putin’s Revenge: Regime Change in Washington DC
- From FFN (funny fake news) on Facebook: Putin Pres...
- Lefties -- Trump (sorry, I meant dump) you bicycle...
- All the President’s Propaganda
- Best faux-news quote of the day re FBI/Hillary e-m...
- Why Trump’s Republican Party Is Embracing Russia
- The truth behind British politeness
- Research note for a planned article on mot du jour...
- A Facebook comment on the New York Times editorial...
- FBI and CIA give differing accounts to lawmakers o...
- MGM casino outside Washington may change Washingto...
- Donald Trump and Russia (23 Videos)
- Research Note for an article on narrative (10): Qu...
- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are on their way to the Wh...
- The World Fears Trump’s America. That’s a Good Thing.
- The Real Trump
- Trump: Madman of the Year - Note for a discussion,...
- Trump as Lady Gaga
- What Trump Got That Romney Didn’t - Note for discu...
- American Dream collapsing for young adults, study ...
- Despair and Hope in Trump’s America - Note for a d...
- Five myths about the decline and fall of Rome - No...
- American football could fall like the gladiators o...
- Russian Black Bread vs. USA Wonder Bread ?... (via...
- Moscow-based thinker Teeter on post-truth (via Fac...
- Most important Trump message: It's not what I say,...
- Research note for narrative (9): on-going collecti...
- After a mere 25 years, the triumph of the West is ...
- Creator of the Big Mac - Note for a discussion, "E...
- Internet of stings
- The Post-Truth President and U.S. Credibility
- Teaching 1984 in 2016
- The Two Americas of 2016 - Note for a discussion, ...
- The End of the Anglo-American Order
- Operation Beethoven Fails ...
- Teeter (on Facebook) re the archive on The Great ...
About Me
- John Brown
- A Princeton PhD, was a U.S. diplomat for over 20 years, mostly in Central/Eastern Europe, and was promoted to the Senior Foreign Service in 1997. After leaving the State Department in 2003 to express strong reservations about the planned U.S. invasion of Iraq, he shared ideas with Georgetown University students on the tension between propaganda and public diplomacy. He has given talks on "E Pluribus Unum? What Keeps the United States United" to participants in the "Open World" program. Among Brown’s many articles is his latest piece, “Janus-Faced Public Diplomacy: Creel and Lippmann During the Great War,” now online. He is the compiler (with S. Grant) of The Russian Empire and the USSR: A Guide to Manuscripts and Archival Materials in the United States (also online). In the past century, he served as an editor/translator of a joint U.S.-Soviet publication of archival materials, The United States and Russia: The Beginning of Relations,1765-1815. His approach to "scholarly" aspirations is poetically summarized by Goethe: "Gray, my friend, is every theory, but green is the tree of life."
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