Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Wealth in America -- Note for a discussion, "E Pluribus Unum? What Keeps the United States United."

The country’s 400 richest are wealthier than ever, with a combined net worth of $2.4 trillion and an average net worth of $6 billion, both record highs. The minimum net worth for entry was $1.7 billion, the same as it was a year ago. A record 153 billionaires were too poor to make the exclusive club. ...
This year FORBES highlighted the successes of immigrants on The FORBES 400, who have built some of the biggest American companies and are living testaments to the fact that the American dream is alive and well. Forty-two of the spots on The FORBES 400 are filled by those born outside the U.S. (including 3 married couples who share a fortune). The wealthiest is Sergey Brin, cofounder of Google, whose family fled Russia in the wake of anti-Semitism when he was 6. More than 10% of the 400 came to the U.S. from 21 countries, including 6 from Israel, 5 from India, and 4 from both Hungary and Taiwan. ...
--Kerry A. Dolan and Luisa Kroll, Forbes (October 4, 2016)

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Female partners at law firms earn an average of $659,000 a year, compared with $949,000 for male partners, a new study finds. Who receives credit for bringing big-ticket cases to a firm is seen as a top factor in the size of the pay gap. -- New York Times Morning Briefling (October 13)

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