Friday, September 23, 2016

Thunderclap: Sharing Messages That Matter

"Thunderclap: Sharing Messages That Matter," uscpublicdiplomacy

uncaptioned image from entry

Sep 22, 2016
Thunderclap is an online "crowdspeaking" platform that helps individuals and organizations get their messages heard. The platform amplifies a message in “flash-mob” style by engaging and leveraging the social reach of their followers, allowing one post to reach millions of people. Thunderclap's main focus is to spread messages that matter to raise awareness and create change. A variety of non-profits, organizations and corporations have used the platform to ignite change, including AmeriCorps, the United Nations, Univision, L'Oreal and The White House. Some of its supporters include President Obama, Arianna Huffington, and former Prime Minister David Cameron.
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