Thursday, July 21, 2016

Thank you, Father

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As I look at the Trump kids' willing (?) media exposure (granted, they're grown-ups, except for the youngest offspring of thrice-married The Donald) I can't help but thank the Almighty that I didn't have a Trump-like creature for a father.

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"She said he taught his kids to have a moral compass – with a straight face."

--Maureen Dowd, "Ivanka the Fabulous Fabulist," New York Times, regarding Ivanka, one of Trump's daughters


When Donald Trump’s sons spoke about what a splendid role-model their father was, I wondered which son was of which of Trump’s three trophy marriages. When his daughter introduced him on the final night, I wondered if her mother was at home laughing, an ample alimony check on the coffee table before her. When his current wife spoke about his many virtues and the promise of America, I wondered about the size of her eventual divorce settlement.

--Joseph Epstein, Wall Street Journal

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