Sunday, March 27, 2016

From vacuum cleaner to Ambassador: Are there any differences?

...  [A distinguised ambassador on Facebook]: You mentioned an old Electrolux vacuum cleaner a while back. I found this picture of me servicing one. ...  I was 17.

Dick Miles's photo.
John Brown From servicing a vacuum cleaner to serving as an Ambassador ... the differences [...] -- are they really that great?  smile emoticon ...
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John Brown I have a lot of issues with vacuum cleaners (VCs). As someone who cleans his own (recently downsized) living quarters, a VC doesn't really do the job properly. Essentially, you have to get down on your knees and scrub the floor. No deterrent (oops, I meant detergent) needed: just a cloth soaked in water (of course, carpets not included). Forget about the overly priced Swiffer Sweeper.

John Brown's photo.
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