Saturday, February 13, 2016

The earth is the center of the universe: and why not? :)

"This, of course, is far from the realm of human experience. In the absence of alcohol, your living room doesn’t appear to shrink and grow repeatedly."

--Physicist Lawrence M. Krauss, referring to "the oscillations in space caused by gravitational waves ... so small that those ripples in length had never been seen."

In all honesty, I understand little or nothing about black holes, time/space, the "proofs" of Einstein's theory of relativity.

For the literally-minded, the below is meant to be tongue-in-cheek [but only up to a point :)]

image from

Accuse me of being non-scientific: I am much more "comfortable" with the earth being the center of the universe, as Aristotle speculated eons ago -- a contention "proven" wrong by modern science.

Why am I uncomfortable? Four reasons.

1) Our ordinary human senses tell us, every day, that the sun revolves around the earth. You get up in the morning, you see the sun. You return home in the evening, the sun sets. Ergo, the sun goes around the earth. That's what your human (non-abstract, non-mathematical) senses tell you make sense. That's what makes "sense," in the "truest" sense of the word, when you see the sun outside of your window in the morning.

2) May not the constant redefinitions of our undefinable universe have more to do with the instruments scientists use to redefine it (and the minds of scientists themselves) than with an ultimately incomprehensible universe (God?) itself. If you use a telescope to "understand" the universe, of course it will look "differently" than to ordinary earthlings who use their eyes, not advanced instruments, to be awed by the skies.

3) Science is never "definitive." We all know the book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. So one "scientific" model of the universe replaces another ad infinitum. In the best type of science, there of is no final "proof" for a theory. And is that not what science is all about? That there is no definite "proof" of anything, of all what some scientists claim?

4) "Big" Science has become a total obscurity to the layperson -- but a big source of funding for "research institutions." Rare are articles in the media that really explain what the sound produced by the collapse of two black holes is really about, except that somehow planet earth can now "hear" the universe.

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