Sunday, August 23, 2015

Steven Seagal: “I like ukrainian cuisine”
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Steven Seagal – the american actor and director, master of martial arts, world-known thank to the suspenseful action films, being in Moscow visited on august, 9 the restautrant of the ukrainian cuisine “Korchma Taras Bulba”. The unexpected appearance of  the Hollywood star in the restaurant caused a furor among the guests. But this fact didn’t keep Seagal from tasting with pleasure the ukrainian viand.

As befits to the national tradition, at entrance to the restaurant the guest was welcomed with bread and salt and  greeted in the Ukrainian, Russian and English languages. Seagal in his turn loved back, saying “Good day” in Russian. Steven is a frequent guest in our country that is why he is acquainted with our traditions – there was no need to prompt how to act in the following situation: he immediately broke off a piece of loaf and dressed it with salt.

Heading to his table Seagal observed with interest the interior of the “Korchma Taras Bulba”. At one time he paused to think and surprised his attendant – Nikolay Volodin, director of the restaurant on the Leninskiy, by saying: “I have already been here” and he added at once : “ I love the Ukrainian cuisine”.

During the visit of the famous actor the restaurant was open for other visitors. So it was amusing to look after their reaction: some people  were so surprised that the world star would diner close to them that they took a long time to come around after the appearance of Seagal. At that the actor himself didn’t miss a chance to make their surprise much stronger – he welcomed the visitors in Russian.

Steven is an expert in good food. He is famous by his role of a cook, Casey Ryback by name, in the movie “Under Siege” (two nominations for “Oscar”), who with the help of expedients – frying pan, knife and other cutlery successfully rescued the battleship “Missouri” from armed terrorists. So what did he prefer to try in the “Korchma”?
First of all, the actor flatly refused the alcohol and  preferred the blueberry fruit-drink. At that he liked the fruit-drink so much that the waiters brought a second helping for several times.

Steven Seagal also liked sausage: he didn’t let the waiters to take away the plate with chicken and pork sausage until he finished it. Seagal tasted the traditional Ukrainian dishes as well – he complimented vareniki with potato and mushrooms. He also tried deruni with sour cream.
«I flew to Russia with my wife and a 2-year old junior by invitation of Vladimir Putin. I love Russia and its president! »
After dinner Steven Seagal devoted time to the stuff of the “Korchma”. He left the note in the book of special guests of the restaurant: “Thanks for always good food”.Also the American actor took as a present the edition of the newspaper “Bulba News” which has been recently issued not only in Russian and Ukrainian but in English as well. A 61-year old actor had dinner in the “Korchma” together with his family and with a numerous delegation of the legendary school “Sambo-70”.

“I flew to Russia with my wife and a 2-year old junior by invitation of Vladimir Putin, – Steven Seagal told. – I love Russia and its President!” It was the legendary school “Sambo-70” which organized the first championship of Russia on mixed martial arts, held on August 11, in Soci, where Steven Seagal was a special guest! The American actor and master of martial arts went from Moscow to this championship together with the Russian President.

According to some information, the grandfather of the popular cinema actor moved to the USA from the Ukraine. There is not much information about him: he was born in a Jewish family, lived some time in Odessa which he left in 1906. According to another information, the grandfather lived in Saint Petersburg.

Steven Seagal himself visited the Ukraine. In 2007 the actor came to Kiev where he was in a jury at the beauty contest “Miss Ukraine Intercontinental”, he also visited one of the orphanages.

Steven Seagal was interested with the martial arts in his childhood. His neighbor was a Japanese who taught a seven-year old Steven the basis of karate.Having grown up, Seagal continued the education with a USA famous master of aikido and quickly became his best pupil. As aikido was not so popular in the States, at the age of 19 Steven left college and moved to Japan.

Having come to the motherland of martial arts, Seagal plunged into the world of Japanese martial arts and spiritual practice. He visited monasteries, studied buddism, practiced dzen meditation and shortly became one of the leading masters of aikido in Japan. At that time it was incredible. “White” master of aikido caused a great interest among the Japanese, they constantly challenged him having doubts in his skills. “During six years I have been training for 8 hours per day, it is too much even for a Japanese”, – remembered the actor in one of his interviews.

In 1975 Steven Seagal became the first American in the Japanese history who opened his own school of martial arts in the land of the rising sun. The school of traditional martial arts “Tansin” is now unctioning in Los Angeles, and Steven Seagal has black belts of karate, judo and a 7th dan degree in aikido as well.

Being in Moscow Steven Seagal held a training of aikido in the education center “Sambo-70”. At first he showed to Moscow boys several special holds with break of a palm and then his visit continued in the other gym where the master of aikido was awaited by the soldiers of special forces who guard the chief executives of the state.

The journalists were prohibited to be present at this training – a condition of Steven Seagal. “One without training cannot repeat such holds”, – clarified the actor.

The league was founded by the legendary school of martial arts “Sambo-70”. Fedor Emelianenko is its most famous pupil. According to Renat Laishev, general director of the school, S-70 was founded with the purpose of continuation of sport career by the school leavers as well as for professional growth of the fighters.  At different times the guests of the tournaments under S-70 were Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Klichko, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Fedor Emelianenko, Vitaliy Mutko, Sergey Kirienko, Alexander Tkachev and many others. Within the frames of the final in Coci there were held 9 fights.

The evening was opened with two fights of sportsmen who didn’t reach the final but they were marked by the organizers for desperate courage and will for victory. In the end there were three super fights of foreign sportsmen: Alexey Varagushin from the Ukraine, Brazilian Jorge Besser and American Anthony Ruiz.

In fine of the evening the participants were addressed by President Vladimir Putin: «I want to thank all of you for pleasure you brought to us by your art and the real man character. Today we have not seen neither cowardice, nor weakness. We saw the strength, courage and even nobility because we are a family».
text: Anastasia Solovey
photo: Vadim Dmytriv, Ivan Pisarenko

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