Wednesday, May 6, 2015

For all your USA Seniors out there, take a look at this!

On January 16, 2015, I had a appointment with a Dr. William A. Condrell, M.S., recommended by my previous doctor, Dr. Andrew Young.

The purpose of the appointment was a simple check-up (am 66 years old) with Dr. Condrell. I didn't have a stopwatch with me, but the appointment lasted no more than 30 minutes.

Condrell (right) image from

The other day I received a "Medicare Summary Notice for Part B (Medical Insurance) from "the Official Summary of Your Medicare Claims from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service."

In it, it is stated (p. 3 of 7) that the "January 16, 2015, Privia Group LLC, (571-295-7514) P.O Box 13050, Belfast, ME 04915-4021 Amount Provider Charged," Service Provided &Billing code... Amount Provider Charged was $467.00. ... New patient office or other outpatient visit, typically 45 minutes (99204)

I think this is a total medical rip-off. $ 467.00! for a 30-minute appointment! I of course stand to be corrected about my reaction to this bill.

I have been on the phone for two days with the most polite and understanding persons/institutions involved in what I can only consider (I hope wrongly) highway doctors' robbery.

The good doctor Condrell -- who most of the persons/institutions involved suggested I contact directly -- has never personally answered my numerous calls to his office.

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