Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Crimea/Cuba; Ukraine/Iraq, or why the USA has won the post-Kold War: A Facebook observation

Warning: I am actually planning to write a "serious" article about the below ...

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From a minor (slightly edited) Facebook entry on my part, meant to be humorous/ironic in these tragic times (and in honor of Nikolai Gogol, perhaps the greatest of Russian/Ukrainian writers, because at least he could go beyond the set "reality," in his best works):

USA power-politics cynics would say: OK, the russkies got Crimea, but HEY we're getting back Cuba, a far bigger prize (and especially now, with USA's growing hispanic population - "hispanic": a vague term employed by the USA Census)

What are the Russians really getting from Crimea? Nichevo, from an economic point of view. What are the Americans getting from Cuba? Mucho, from an economic point of view.

To be sure, the Russkies are getting back Sevastopol, but with Cuba now "good neighbor" (thanks FDR) we're now truly securing Guantanamo, (BTW, .How about offering to Putin that the Guatanamo-held "terrorists" be transferred to Sevastopol -- I bet you he wouldn't disagree, so long as the sanctions stopped.

Soon-to-be freed-of Castro Cuba is ripe for American investment/tourism -- not to speak of "cheap" labor for American companies -- labor far more appreciative of dollars than the "lazy" American "underclass," now demanding an excessive "minimum wage." 

Image from:,_1900

As for Iran, once we have it back in the USA orbit, which could be the case in less than ten years 

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(when the Ayatollah reaches his version of euphoric eternity), it's a far bigger prize for America than than bankrupt Ukraine (with all due respect for the long-suffering Ukrainian people, victims of vampire empires for centuries), which the Russians would have to deal with if they take it over.

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