Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Crimea vs. Cuba -- America won the post-Kold War! :)

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"They" -- 'em russkies -- supposedly got back Crimea, but we're gettin' back Cuba.

Ok, 'em russkies grabbed the Black Sea port Odessa (I always knew 'em russkies were Black power sympathizers) for the Russian "navy." But we're bound to get Guantanamo back under USA-all-the-way full control.

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Cuba -- cheap labor; tourism for us obese Americans; gambling el cheapo! -- is a gold mine for USA entrepreneurs/capitalists. 

Crimea, on the other hand, is a waterless economic disaster area no vulgar Russian Manhattan-owing oligarch would want to touch in his right mind.

In contrast think of that sea-side Cuban real estate! A real, real bundle to be made, guys! 

There's just no money to be made in Crimea, but they's a lot of money to be made in Cuba, especially now that the russkies have opted out.

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Simply put, "they" got back Crimea, but we're gettin' back Cuba. We won. Cuba is a far bigger prize than Crimea.

Think about it, we USA patriots ... We won: USA Cuba vs. russkii Crimea: Another USA superbowl victory after the so-called "end " of the Kold War!

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