Sunday, October 19, 2014

Nixon invites Creel to lunch; Creel looks for a job in the Eisenhower administration

Note for a Planned Article
(comments welcome; draft, not for citation)

JB Note: These letters from America's first propaganda tsar (1917-1919), who was a most loyal confidant of Democratic President Woodrow Wilson ...

Richard Nixon to George Creel, on United States Senate stationary (Committee on Labor and Public Welfare), December 10, 1952

Dear George:

Pat and I will be delighted to have lunch with you on the 19th. However, we would like to have you as our guest rather than the other way around. If you will call my office when you get into town and let us know where we can reach you I shall give you a ring and complete arrangements then.

With all best wishes,



Richard Nixon

--Folder "General Correspondence,  Jan+Aug 1953, Box 4, George Creel Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress

Nixon image from


Copy of Creel letter to The Honorable Dwight D. Eisenhower, January 12, 1953

My Dear Mr. President:

By reason of my experience in the first World War and a close and continuous study of OWI and VOA, I feel I have something to contribute to your “psychological warfare” plan, as outlined in your San Francisco speech of October 8th. If you agree, may I ask to be put in touch with Mr. Jackson, or whoever it is you may have in mind for the task.

I shall be here at this Club [Metropolitan Club] until the 18th and at the University Club in Washington from the 21st to February 1st.


P.S. Congratulations on everything.

--Folder "General Correspondence,  Jan+Aug 1953, Box 4, George Creel Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress

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